Public assignments
WHOLE at European Dyslexia week 2021
In October 2021 WHOLE will be a part of HOI Foundation program, in Netherlands.

WHOLE at DAS-conference, Singapore 2021
WHOLE participated in lectures and panel discussions during a conference in June 2021 in Singapore.

WHOLE at the BDA Conference 2021
In May 2021 WHOLE lectured and present new research on dyslexic strengths at the BDA (British Dyslexia Association) Conference.
From the beginning ...
In 2019 I, Susanna Cederquist, arranged the conference ”Dyslexia and Creativity” in Stockholm, Sweden. An international day with an art exhibition on the theme Dyslexia and speeches from researchers and experts in the wide view of dyslexia from different countries. This to share and spread the knowledge of the whole picture of dyslexia, including the dyslexic strength. Here is a 1 minute- film from the day.
The year after I took the initiative to try to build something more. Collaboration is valuable and a tool to contribute the change of the perspective of dyslexia and do the picture wider. - And WHOLE - International Dyslexia Strengths Network was born.
/ Susanna Cederquist, Sweden

We have got some support from the foundation Promobilia.