Name: Mahnaz Akhavan Tafti
Position/title: Professor
Country: Iran
Dyslexia work: Academics & Research. Mahnaz Akhavan Tafti is a professor at the graduate department of educational psychology at Alzahra University in Iran and is the co-founder of Iranian Specific Learning Disorders and Differences Association. For the past two decades, her focus of research as well as academics has been on the specific ways of cognitive processing of learners with dyslexia and their strengths. Mahnaz has published several articles in accredited national and international journals, has written a book and translated one, and has conducted many workshops for professionals, teachers, and parents. She is also serving as Reviewer and editorial board member of different scientific journals like, Annals of Dyslexia, International Dyslexia Association.
Email address: makhavan@alzahra.ac.ir
Important links: http://staff.alzahra.ac.ir/makhavan/